Therapeutic Aromatherapy


     Aromatherapy is defined as “the practice of  using natural plant extracts, such as essential oils, hydrosols, and carrier oils, in a variety of ways to aid the body, mind and spirit. It is the promotion and harmonization of emotional, physical, and spiritual health through the application of these extracts. Aromatherapy is described as both an art and a science because it takes the knowledge of the scientific aspects of the plants and oils and combines it with the art of producing a beneficial blend   .Aromatherapy can be used topically and via inhalation” according to Wikipedia (2020).

     Therapeutically, scents can influence focus, relaxation, memories, even motivation.  Made by licensed therapists, these mixtures are used in conjunction with learning coping strategies and problem solving techniques to also aid in a better quality of life for our clients.

     We DO NOT market our products as having medicinal value.  We urge you to read and learn about nature's properties . Our products are not for consumption, internal use, and not edible in any way.






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